Thursday, December 26, 2013

Prenatal care in China: Redleaf women's and infants hospital

        Redleaf Women's and Infant Hospital

Seeing as I have hit full term and am about to deliver, I thought I might write about my experience receiving prenatal care at Shanghai's new Redleaf Hospital, located on Huaihai Middle Rd (Changshu subway station: line 1) near the French concession. 

          Main entrance from Huahai Middle Rd.

We had originally started our care at Parkway, but when their most popular OB left for a new job at Redleaf, I followed. My husband and I toured the hospital and medical offices and were really impressed with the new western equipment, private recovery rooms, pristine L&D rooms, the clean floors, special care nursery equipped with incubators and neonatologists for minor complications, and working electrical systems and such. 

You'd think it would be a given, but here in China, maintenance upkeep isn't really common. I just keep remembering our visit to the Wuxi women's hospital and the dim lighting, missing ceiling tiles and overall feeling of disrepair. 

Anyways, already happy with the hospital, we were even happier to find a wonderful OB/GYN who has gone above and beyond what I consider good bedside manner with her attentiveness to detail, addressing my fears and making this pregnancy as enjoyable as it can be when anxiety gets the best of me. She happens to be Chinese, but speaks fluent English and has adopted western medicine as her method of practice. 

Everything I have had done, and experienced at Redleaf is just as I would in the USA. The testing is the same (glucose tolerance test between weeks 24-26), level II ultrasounds, urinalysis at each visit, NST's after week 36 and the strep B culture done at 36-37 weeks. I haven't felt like anything unnecessary has been done, nor do I feel like any stone has gone unturned. It's very comforting having visits go as planned and having everything explained to us at each visit.

I'd have to say my only complaint, is that the radiologists/ ultrasound techs don't speak English. Given my anxiety about losing another baby, it's a challenge for me not to expect the worst when they stop and view the heart or kidneys, then chatter amongst themselves..thankfully, my OB does come in to provide a synopsis of what they saw and always explains what measurements etc they were looking at and why. I appreciate that a ton. There is no rushing with our Doctor. She always has time for discussion. 

As far as timeliness of appointments, we have lucked out most of the time, being roomed within ten minutes of my scheduled time. There's been a time or two we have had to wait longer, but overall, I am impressed with how the staff operates and gets patients back to rooms on time. We've been lucky enough to make my appointments for Saturday mornings, so that BG and LG can come with me for moral support. I'm usually greeted at the front desk, asked to give a urine sample, then whisked to have my BP, pulse and weight checked. From there, we head to the OB's office for my exam, Q&A and if an ultrasound is needed, we are taken directly to the room without having to wait. It's a breath of fresh air coming from Parkway where we would be sent to the waiting room between each portion of the visit and would often wait 15-20 minutes between each. 

Another advantage Redleaf offers is that of a personal patient liaison. After we purchased a prenatal package, I was appointed a liaison to whom I can call at any time with questions. This individual responds to my requests and inquiries rather than playing telephone with a third or fourth party. My OB has also provided her cell phone number, but I feel awkward using it unless it is an emergency. I feel like the staff cares about the service they provide and treat each patient as their only patient. 

I mentioned that we purchased a prenatal package. The package covers all visits (outlined on their website) from week 20-41, including routine testing and exams. The rate is discounted if you purchase a package vs paying ala carte. Since our insurance has a maximum cap on maternity coverage, we opted to buy a package up to keep overall costs lower, and I submit my claims to my insurer on my own. So far we have had no problems with Redleaf providing all necessary documentation at the end of each appointment so that I am able to submit my claims in a timely manner.

All in all Redleaf has been a great fit for us in terms of prenatal care. 

[Post Written by Elle Lay]

To learn more about Redleaf, visit their website:

Easy access from Wuxi by train/subway:
Train from Wuxi railway to Shanghai Station (30-45 minutes)
Subway line 1 from Shanghai Station to Changhu Rd 
Exit #2 to Huaihai middle Rd
Turn Right, walk 1/2 block
Hospital is on the right 

There are a few great eateries near Redleaf as well. Wagas, Element Fresh, Elefante and Whisk are within one block of Redleaf towards Donghu Lu, and there is a Starbucks near exit #7 at changshu station.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Jiaozi! Or in English terms....The Dumpling Restaurant

Hey Ya'll! 

I wanted to share with you one of Elle Lay's and my favorite places to eat here in Wuxi, 
the "Jiaozi" place. 

This is the Business Card to the restaurant. 

This is probably my favorite of all the Chinese restaurants in town, though we have so many good ones. If you are looking for a place to eat with all of your friends, or just a small group this is the place. They have lots of private rooms with large round tables that fit just about any size group. The best part is, you can order TONS of food for really cheap. 

I love all the different dumplings, the green beans, honeyed sweet potatoes, and the sweet and sour pork dishes. But there are so many more wonderful dishes to try. That the best thing with going with a large group, you get to try lots of different dishes that on your own you may not have ordered. 

This restaurant does have highchairs. I normally don't use them though since I take my fold up one with me, but they do have a few there for you to use. 

One thing to remember though when going, the menu is totally in Chinese but it does have pictures. 

Chinese style "Round Table" 

Your dishes come wrapped in plastic. 

This is Pickle's favorite dish...Chinese style green beans. Yum! 


Look at all the food! 

This particular visit we had 15 people and the bill totaled to 560rmb, which is 37.8rmb per person. Talk about CHEAP!!!!! 

So go try it out and enjoy some amazing food! You'll walk out stuffed. 

Thanks Ya'll, 


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wuxi City Guide

Hey Ya'll, 

Today I want to share with you one of the BEST resources that you will find about what is in Wuxi. 

The Wuxi City Guide!!!! This book has been put together by some friends of ours who are expats and have been living in Wuxi for 10 years. 

The Wuxi City Guide is a complete, pocket-sized map and directory for everything expats living in Wuxi care about - restaurants, hotels, schools, hospitals, websites, Chinese classes, cable TV, and transportation. It is crammed full of useful tidbits for expats learning how to live in Wuxi.

This book has been the best thing for Tractor Man and I. They have all of their listings in English and Mandarin so it doubles as a taxi card. It's wonderful. What is even better is that they have everything on their website as well. I recommend checking that out before you even get settled here in Wuxi. This will allow you to get a feel for everything Wuxi has to offer. 

Grab a book and get ready to explore all the great things about Wuxi! 

Thanks Ya'll, 


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Monday = Coffee Time!

Hey Ya'll,

Once you get to know me, you will know I am a coffee-aholic! I LOVE coffee and having Starbucks here in Wuxi has been fabulous. A dear friend of mine and I started a year and a half ago walking from our apartment complex to Starbucks every Monday. It makes Monday's the day I look forward to! Now our group has grown!

This is amazing way to meet expats in Wuxi, just come to Starbucks in New District on any given Monday. We normally arrive between 10:00am and 10:30am depending on if we all walk over or not. There are usually between 5 and 15 expats joining together from all over to have coffee together and let the kids play. Come join us! 

Starbucks (Software Park) 星巴克(软件园店)

16 Changjiang Rd, 1F, Room 8102

This is our Starbucks...our home away from home.
There are always lots of people to meet from all around the world. We would LOVE to have you come join us. 

Even the kids have a good time! 

Thanks Ya'll, 


Wuxi International Club - A Gathering of Expats

Hey Ya'll!

One of the most important topics in anything we can write do I meet people? If you are like me, I crave friendship and love being around people. I know this is not everyone, but if you are looking to find a community of friends in Wuxi, this is the place to start.

The Wuxi International Club! Below is an introduction from the club president and a link to the website. We would LOVE to have you come join us!

Wuxi International Club (WIC) is a voluntary organization of expats from various countries based in the Wuxi area of Jiangsu Province, China.  For a family to join our club, one member of your family must hold a foreign passport.  We charge an annual fee of 200 RMB per year per family payable in January.  If you join us after June, the fee is reduced to 100 RMB for the remainder of the year. 

We arrange events to enrich the social and cultural lives of members and to help them become familiar with Wuxi. We also give back to the local community with our members volunteering and donating to various organizations in the area. 

Our activities are planned by our members. They are varied and targeted towards our member's interests. For example, we have a monthly lunch at western style restaurants, toddler play dates, coffee mornings and organize visits to local attractions. Members are sent our newsletter on a monthly basis packed with things to do for the entire family.  All our communications are in English. We are a small community and all have one thing in common, we are expats in China!  You can find out more information about us on our website: Wuxi International Club

Pickle having fun at the play date with his friends. 

Ladies from our playgroup! 

Pickle playing with the baby animals at our WIC Easter brunch. 

Some sweet ladies enjoying coffee at one of our "coffee morning" outings. 

We all love Starbucks! 

Come join in on the fun. We can't wait to meet you!

Thanks Ya'll,


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Organic Shopping in China

Hey Ya'll,

I know in America right now "organic" food is the big things that people are wanting. You can definitely find things here in Wuxi and the surrounding areas, but at times it will be pricy.

Here a great contact, The May Farm.

The one drawback to ordering from here is that right now the shipping fee to Wuxi is 300rmb ($49). Because of this, a dear friend of ours from Germany has graciously said she would be willing to be the contact person for anyone wanting to place an order. This way you can split the cost of shipping with others and make the price better. So browse, shop and enjoy.

The May Farm

Contact: Trixi Gudo

Thanks Ya'll,


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dental Appointments in China

Hey Ya'll! 

I love having my teeth cleaned and it had been way to long since I had been to the dentist, until last week. Though we have a dentist here in Wuxi, I had a hard time getting them on the phone so I ended up making an appointment for Tractor Man and I at Parkway in Shanghai. 

I have been to Parkway for a lady doctor visit and for Pickle to go to a pediatrician visit. Our visit were good so I decided to try and schedule an appointment. Parkway makes scheduling appointments very easy for the most part. What is even better for me is that they take Saturday appointments, so it makes it easy for Tractor Man and I to go together. 

The Dentist office was fabulous! It was brand new and they had all new equipment. We saw Dr. Henry Zeng and I was impressed. He actually did the cleaning and examination all himself, which was shocking to me, but good. 

203 West Retail Plaza
1376 West Nanjing Road
Shanghai, China

The dental clinic is located in the Shanghai Centre. There is a Starbucks, Element Fresh, and a City Shop Supermarket in the same location! So make an appointment and make a day out of it.

They take most insurance policies, but you can check their website for most information. 

Getting to the clinic is very easy. You can take the train from Wuxi into the Shanghai Station and then get on the metro Line 1. Take Line 1 to the People's Square stop and transfer to Line 2. Then you can get off at West Nanjing Road. From here it is just a short walk down Nanjing Road.


Thanks Ya'll,


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Finding a place to live in Wuxi.

Hey Ya'll! 

Finding a place to live is probably the top concern in moving to a new country. I wasn't so sure how it would work out, but Tractor Man did a GREAT job! I wasn't able to come over at all before we moved  to Wuxi since I was pregnant at the time, so he had to do it all and I personally think he did great and I tell him this often. 

In finding an apartment you normally have to go through a rental agency. Most companies on "look and see" trips will set you up with a relocation company that will get you set up with an agent to take you around to look at places that fit your needs. 

Before this time you want to think of things that you want and/or need in a place to live. This will help the agent help you find the right fit for you. So here are a few things to think about.

1. How many people are in your family and how many bedrooms will you need?
2. Do you want a yard or would you prefer an upper floor apartment?
3. Do you want to live downtown or away from the city?
4. Do you want to live close to your job (or spouse's job) or are you ok with having to drive?
5. Do you want an apartment or a stand alone house?
6. Do you want to leave near expats or are you alright with being farther away?
7. Do you prefer an apartment within walking distance to most things or are you ok being further out?

Once you find your apartment and are working on negotiations with the rental agent/landlord, you need to know what you are going to ask for. Here in China some of the things that we take for granted in America are not common here, so you need to make your requests known. This is a list of some of the things that we asked for.

1. Western style, large refrigerator.
2. Oven (specify that you want something other than a toaster oven)
3. Clothes Dryer
4. International TV
5. Western style mattress

This is not an all inclusive list by any means, but more of a start to get you thinking. Each situation is different. Enjoy the move! Can't wait to have you here in Wuxi!

Thanks ya'll,


City Shop Supermarket Delivery Service

Hey Ya'll!

Life with a toddler at home can make it difficult at times to get all of my grocery shopping done. There are days that I go without what I need because I am too lazy to get us packed up to go, even with my driver. Pretty pathetic huh? Ha!

This is where City Shop comes in! This is an Imported Goods store based out of Shanghai and they will deliver to Wuxi every Tuesday. Makes my grocery shopping (especially for cold and heavy items) much easier.

Here is the link.

City Shop Supermarket

The City Shop Delivery Man

I should warn you that most import items at this store are pretty pricey, but you can get some things for the same price as in a local supermarket. The delivery charge is 20rmb unless you spend over 300rmb and then delivery is free. This charge is the same price as a taxi ride to and from a local grocery store and back for me. 

All you need in to do in order to get your groceries delivered is set up an account. You will need your address, an email address and a phone number. If you have your address in Chinese that helps a lot, but not necessary. When you go to the website, you will see at the top righthand side of the screen a button that says "Sign In". You will then see a button that says register and you will just fill in your information. Good luck!!! 

Just some of the good things I have found at City Shop. 

Some of the things that I order from here are: 

Woolite - 94rmb - 176rmb depending on the size of the bottle
Bounce Dryer Sheets - 56rmb for a box
Milk - 26rmb for 1 Liter
Chicken - 21.50 rmb for a pack of 3 breasts
Pork Tenderloins - 34.30rmb for 0.5kg
Clorox Wipes - 54rmb
Stoffers Macaroni & Cheese - 49.80rmb

There is so much more to find. Take a look and have fun shopping! 

Thanks ya'll, 


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chang Jiang Guo Ji Ya Yuan - Expat Living at its finest

Hey Ya'll! 

I'm a little biased I know since Tractor Man, Pickle and I live here, but I wanted to share our apartment complex with you. There are MANY different complexes in our area that are great for expats and there will be other posts on those places coming soon. But for now, let me share our home with you! 

Welcome to Chang Jiang International Gardens 2. 


Located in New District on Chang Jiang North Road, we are close to so much. We have two grocery stores within walking distance or an easy taxi ride, lots of great restaurants, playgrounds and a great veggie mart close by. There are quite a few expats in our complex which I love! We have an amazing community that gets together quite often and help each other out as needed. 

One of my absolute favorite things about our complex are the guards. They do a wonderful job and are always extremely helpful and friendly. They remember faces well, even though they do not speak a lot of English. Once, I had a guard see me struggling to bring in my groceries and he came and carried them to my apartment for me. 

Our complex is made up of tall and short buildings that range from 8 floors to 27 floors.

 We live on the first floor and have a basement and a small back yard. Most of the apartments in our complex are only one level and have 3 bedrooms. 

Here is a small view of my apartment. We brought all of our own furniture with us, so the furnishings are not a typical Chinese apartment but you can see some of the rooms. 


My pantry area

Pantry area - other view
Second bedroom

Dining Room

Closet area in the master bedroom

Master bedroom

Our upstairs living room. 

One of our 3 bathrooms. 

We have a small backyard that Pickle loves to play in when the weather is nice. 

Our laundry room is outside. 

The entrance to our building. They have stairs and a ramp for easy access. 
The maintenance team here does a great job of keeping things clean and neat. Granted, you do need to keep in mind that we live in China and things are not always "normal" in the way things are done, but things are always neat. 

Fish pond in front of my building. 

View of our complex. 

Walkway to the street. 

Our complex also has a small playground for kids which in the spring and fall is a wonderful place to play! We are out there quite often when we don't have other plans. 

We would love to have you come and join us here in Chang Jiang Guo Ji Ya Yuan! 

Thanks ya'll, 


Wuxi weather

Having been born and raised in Southern California, I admit to having been sheltered from the "real world" of seasons! For me the only difference between winter, spring, summer and fall were the holidays that occurred during them. Our family lived in shorts and flip flops year round.

When we arrived in China in June, I quickly learned what real seasons were, as the temperature continued to climb until the end of July....and the humidity...don't even get me started. I have never experienced humidity on the level that Wuxi hits each summer. 

So, if you're moving here and wondering if it gets hot, the answer is YES. Hot and Humid. The hottest most humid months are July and August. Light airy clothes and shade umbrellas are most popular during this time, but to be honest, if you're out and about during the day, you are going to want to get home to a cold shower, ASAP. 

Just when I thought I couldn't handle the heat any longer, enter September.

September, October and November are absolutely get-your-butt outside as often as possible months. The weather is gorgeous. Somewhat clear skies, light breezes and lower pollution levels make for some really nice walking weather. 

       Friends walking home from the produce market on a nice autumn day

By the end of November, the chilly mornings often linger into chilly afternoons. It was at this time that I realized, California "winter" jackets are not the same as the rest of the world's "winter" jackets. I was  wearing the warmest jacket I owned and already cold! I bought some scarves and beanies and those kept me cozy til winter officially hit in December.

December, January, February and March are cold. Like, Midwest cold. Layered clothing is your best bet as many of the malls and shops do not have/use heaters. I remember Christmas shopping at Wanda plaza last year wearing UGG boots, jeans and a huge puffy jacket and still freezing. 

I bet you're thinking..if it gets that cold...does it snow?

The answer...rarely....but, it does. 

Check out last winter. Belle and I decided to walk to the produce market. Not one of our shining moments, but I think we both look back on it and get a good laugh.

Overnight snow storm left us a winter wonderland

      Oh, Belle..what on earth are we doing?

By the beginning of April, the ultra-warm winter jackets can be packed away in exchange for a lighter jacket or fleece pullover. The days get warmer as the month goes on, and once May hits, its back outside we go. Although the spring time temperatures are much more enjoyable than winter or summer, this is when the pollution levels seem to be the highest, with a number of days reaching "severe pollution" levels. 

And hey, if this California girl can survive Wuxi's seasons, so can you...

-Elle Lay

Thursday, July 25, 2013

English speaking Vets

Our family recently had a very sick kitty and needed to find a reputable vet in town. The vet we had used to help us through the process of getting our cat over here is in Shanghai and that was just too far to drive at such short notice. We knew our cat needed help ASAP, so I asked around and everyone seemed to be telling me about the same clinic, though nobody knew the name of it.  I finally connected with someone who not only knew the name of the clinic, but also the address, name of the English speaking vet and contact number. I also found out there was a second location close to my apartment in New District.

I thought I would share the contact information here for any other pet owners who find themselves in need of veterinary services. 

Paite Veterinary Clinic- Downtown location (next to Blue Bar, across from police station)
 49号 Chongnin Road
Ask for Tina

Paite Veterinary Clinic- New District
Changjiang Bei Lu (next to Leadtoast, near Auchan)
Ask for Snow

My husband and I felt the care was of high quality and the cost was affordable. We paid 800rmb for consult, X-ray, bloodtests and IV treatment. Don't hesitate to contact Paite for any of your needs!

-Elle Lay

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Wuxi Zoo

We took our first trip to the Wuxi Zoo this past spring. 

We had a wonderful time, although it was quite a bit further from New District than I had anticipated. It took approximately 45 minutes by car, but it was a holiday, so quite possibly traffic was heavier than usual that particular day.

Upon arrival, we purchased our tickets (100 rmb for each adult) and headed through the gates. This is where we learned there are two parts to the zoo. There's a theme park on the right, which looks like tons of fun for older kids, and the zoo is down the path to the left. We actually went in to the theme park first  and realized that we had made a mistake. A little backtracking and we found our way to a map which got us steered in the right direction.

The zoo is quite hilly, so for those who tire easily or have one sort of health concern which makes walking difficult, the zoo rents out mobility scooters for a small fee. We saw many able bodied people riding them, which caught me off guard, but I guess they just didn't feel like walking. For parents taking young kids, take a stroller. They will get tired of walking the hills. An umbrella stroller worked fine for us.

We weren't quite sure what to expect from a Chinese zoo, considering the treatment of humans in some places here strike us as a bit inhumane, but it was not as bad as I had expected. The zoo has a wide array of animals. They've got elephants, camels, bears, giraffes, lions, tigers, panthers (gorgeous!), pandas, monkeys, tons of birds in the aviary, reptiles ( I admit, I skipped the reptiles, they creep me out), hippos and the list goes on.

My beef with the zoo was that the habitats needed some TLC. Many of the animals had areas in their habitats that were meant for a small pond to help keep cool, that were either half filled with water or completely dry. Not a zookeeper in sight. It seemed as though the upkeep of the habitats went ignored, while the park itself was kept quite clean. 

One of our favorite parts (PETA would freak!) was a "live Beast show" which was held inside a tent, with music and announcements at a decibel level that was above and beyond anything we've encountered here so far. It was LOUD. We stood in a breezeway instead of sitting in the crowd so we could get some distance from the speakers, but the show itself was quite entertaining. We saw bears riding bikes, jump roping, dancing to "Gagnam Style" and doing flips between the still rings. Next came monkeys, doing many of the same tricks, and lastly, lions and tigers together. This brought back memories of the circus as a kid, although I don't think I had ever seen a bear on a bike until our zoo experience here.

There are booths full of Chinese food, and kiosks with drinks and ice cream cones. We did not eat at the zoo, so I can't comment on it, but it is available. I think if we go back, we will pack our lunches and take a blanket to sit and picnic halfway through our visit. The park, with its sprawling hills, has many grassy areas which would be perfect for a breather/snack/lunch. 

We look forward to going back when cooler fall weather arrives. It's a wonderful day trip away from the hustle and bustle of town.

See you there,

Elle Lay

Here's the address:

Wuxi Zoo and Taihu fun park 

No.99 Qianrong Rd.
Binhu district, Wuxi 214063