Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Culture Shock: hocking loogies

I'll never forget my first cab ride.

BG and I hailed a cab in front of our apartment and showed the driver the taxi card with our destination written on it. At that point, he could have driven me in a full circle and I'd never know it. I was doing my best to note different landmarks for future reference, until I heard the most disgusting phlemy throat clearing from up front. 

Even though it was disgusting, I thought to myself, " Poor driver, he must have a cold".

That was until  later--I was standing in line and heard that noise again. This time behind me...I turned around and narrowly missed being the recipient of the old lady behind me's lugie! Yes, that's right..she cleared her throat and SPIT.ON.THE.SUPERMARKET.FLOOR!  

Turns out that it's totally normal and acceptable to clear ones throat and spit anywhere. I've seen people spit on the subway, in train cars, supermarket floors, restaurant tables and even in the Doctor's office. 

Now I know why the Chinese leave their shoes outside their doors...

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